Elementary School FAQ

What does PCVA look like for an elementary school student?
The Elementary Program at PCVA offers a personalized learning approach tailored to elementary school students and their academic needs. At PCVA, we believe that every student is unique and should have the opportunity to learn anywhere, anytime, and at a pace that works best for their individual learning needs. Our experienced teachers who are certified in early childhood and elementary education are committed to forming positive relationships with students and guardians. They work closely with families to establish these connections that we believe provide the foundation for success in education. This is a great option for parents who desire a quality virtual education utilizing proven curriculum, certified teachers, and expert instructional support systems. While students have the opportunity to work with a live teacher each day, it does require strong, day-to-day parental guidance and involvement.

What is my role as a parent?
As a parent of an elementary age student, you (or another responsible adult you choose) will assist your child in a coach role. You'll work with your child's teacher to help monitor mastery of online lessons and assessments, and review student work.

  • Students will need dependable internet access

  • Students and parents will need valid email addresses and check them regularly.

  • Students will need a quiet study space with minimum disruption

  • Students will need to commit to set aside time five days a week to keep pace with the assignments.

  • Students will need strong home support (K-5)

  • Students will need a high motivation level (K-5)

  • Students will need a high-interest level (K-5)

  • Parents will be responsible for ensuring students are present, in person, for required state or federal testing.

IEP Students - What if my student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
Students who receive services through an IEP must attend virtual sessions scheduled by the special education team lead and/or therapists.